Lodge Delights at the Deck BBQ table

Almost ready for the BBQ season

Living in such a changeable and dramatic seasonal changes presents a few challenges, the lodge grounds have to be stripped bare before the onset of winter and stored in multiple places until the spring arrives then the task starts to drag it all out again and get it ready for the warmer months.
All smiles for a very special lunch of local wild mountain vegetables.

All very excited about their 2 days in Myoko.
Spring has arrived in Myoko

With the winter behind us, it’s time to prepare for the summer season and Tamami and her mum have started prepping the flower boxes for hanging around the lodge.
Our very last guests for the winter season 2021/2022

What a season it was, over 17 metres of recorded snowfall in the Myoko area, 160 hours clocked up on my snow clearing machine, some of the best-powered skiing ever, numerous cross country adventures and snowshoes trips exploring the local mountains. Of course, there is always a price to pay for having so much fun […]
Our beautiful winter Myoko

Togakushi National Park Snowshoe Trip

Its been and still is! an epic Myoko Winter

A crash and burn day in Togakushi National Park

Scary Snow line

It’s official, the snowline has reached an all-time high, well above our rear dining deck and it’s almost a straight walk to the forest behind, perfect for our Cross Country ski training.