“Asking to much of my worn out trolley jack”

Projects Continue

Running Companion

New Home for snow clearing machine ( Josetsu Ki)

Group from Tasmania

Our walking group from Tasmania, enjoying Japan in October
Traveling Ladies Club Tasmania

The ladies had a great afternoon dressing up in the traditional Kimono.
Our local Community

As a community we have been active in creating a local nature park, where we and all our guests, can stroll around and relax, this was a celebration of that all coming to fruition.
Spent the day at Akakura Kanko with camera in hand taking images of the resort
Great spring skiing in Myoko
Tamami and Yana heading up the mountain for some spring skiing & snowboarding
“Just need the reindeer”
The snow is now beginning to fall we can expect the snow to continue and hopefully our lifts will open earlier than the 18th