Happy Family weekend

All smiles at Tangram Resort

Kannda 27km/40km Trail run

What weekend, 27km of more uphill than downhill running/walking and sometimes. almost crawling. But we made it, and are making plans to return in 2025. Our reward, lunch and our local winery

友人から立派なお布施の栗をいただきました。早速、生まれて初めての渋皮煮に挑戦。辛抱強く渋抜きを何度もしてようやくできた物がこれ。見た目はまあまあだけど(ちょっと怠けて、美しい木目の色が出るまで渋皮を剥かなかったことを今後悔、苦笑)、味は最高でした。 来年はもう少し辛抱強く頑張るぞ! 秋の味を楽しんだ雨の妙高高原でした。
New Addition to the lodge

Great weekend on the Chiba Peninsular

Great weekend on the Chiba Peninsular
Shinetsu Five Mountain Trail Run 100mile/110km

What weekend, 1200 runners, very wet conditions and we were supporting our runners throughout the day and night, sadly and very disappointing for the runners, the event had to be shut down just 20km from the finish line, due to bad weather and dangerous condition on the last mountain climb. look forward to seeing you […]
Nagaoka City Trail Run 2024

Lovely day running together on Tamami’s birthday, it was a hard course, but we made it home, before the cut-off time
SUP/BBQ /Trail Run/Walk Weekend

Summer Renovation in full swing

July has been a busy month with renovations with the installation of a new entrance door